Felicity’s Score 3 Stars

Our Aussie farmers are in trouble! But don’t worry, with Australia’s altruism nothing can go wrong…right?

Aaron Robuck and Edan McGovern have written a new musical comedy presented by Supply Evolution aptly named We Are The (End Of The) World. This production satirises the marketed selflessness that plagues modern Australians, and manages to entertain over 80 minutes using wit

A production of a musical often demands a certain level of crispness to the production. With talent and a concept that would perhaps work better reimagined as a variety show with a subplot – WATEOTW can feel a somewhat loosely thrown together at times, especially as it sets itself up. Indeed, the opening number and a few moments at the start feel ill-placed. It does manage to come into its own by the second half, and at 80 minutes provides plenty of laughs and catchy songs amongst the storyline. 

There is undeniable talent in the cast, strong voices all round. In particular, Prudence Holloway, Billie Palin, Josh Ridge, and Edan McGovern perform their solos with ease. Despite my fear that it would border on clumsy, the use of audience in the beginning (and indeed, throughout the show) is charming and at times, hilarious. The decision to play on the Australian plight to help the farmers works to the plots advantage, creating a solid and relatable backbone to a message that begs us for genuine charity as opposed to publicised and calculated giving.

A message that activism works best when not a spectator sport, WATEOTW is charming and punny. Showing at New Theatre from 9-14 September.

Felicity Anderson, Theatre Now