Alana’s Score 5 Sequins

Disclaimer: I, the passably talented Alana Kaye of the Sydney Kayes, bear no relation to the obscenely talented Rueben Kaye of the Melbourne Kayes (even though I wish I did).

Glamorous London-based Aussie cabaret star Rueben Kaye has returned to Sydney to perform in its inaugural Cabaret Festival. And what a formidable addition to the line-up he is.

You may have experienced Kaye’s exuberance in the extravaganza that is Cheeky Cabaret, in which case you’ll have heard some of his jokes before. But he still manages to be endlessly enthralling.

His solo act is stunning. Kaye sweeps through his enchanted audience with glittering (literally) aplomb, entertaining us with a mix of songs, scripted stories, searingly funny improvisation and audience participation. None of us are safe from his heavily-lashed gaze or his insanely clever wit. Heckle at your own risk.

Alongside telling/singing us the story of how he came to be, Kaye provides clever commentary on local and global issues that the world is facing right now. It’s all done charmingly with a tongue-in-cheek, glint-in-the-eye vibe, but there’s an obvious and passionate desire to create a conversation around these issues that affect huge swathes of the population, not just overseas but here as well.

Kaye’s presence is magnetic and dangerous at the same time. You want to be near him, but you’re deathly scared of being thrust under his bedazzled microscope. He is a force to be reckoned with, and his incredible voice all but shakes the foundations of the Seymour Centre.

Rueben Kaye dark, dangerous, endlessly charming and utterly irresistible.

Alana Kaye (sadly, no relation) – Theatre Now