Sydney Fringe: Keep An Eye out For this: Rough Trade

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Inspired by Facebook swap groups, playwright Katie Pollock delivers a funny and powerful monologue about the patriarchy, trading sex toys, women of a certain age and the drive for connection

Part stand-up, part takedown of capitalism, part wannabe dancing dildo musical, this one-woman play is a celebration of resilience, humour … and sex toys!

Through an intricate web of objects and a drive for community and connection, the members of Facebook group Rough Trade Sydney are giving the giant middle finger to capitalism, with trades that are funny, sexy, strange and touching. Inspired by these true stories, playwright Katie Pollock peels back the layers to reveal a character for whom life has taken a series of wrong turns, leaving her in a place where she is dependent on this internet community for her very survival.

A thrilling (and sometimes terrifying) examination of the ways capitalism and the patriarchy fail us, and the precarious position all women risk finding themselves in, ‘Rough Trade’ is ultimately a story of hope in challenging times.

For lovers of ‘Fleabag’, ‘Hacks’, ‘Better Things’ or ‘Mom’ … If life gives you lemons, trade ’em for something sweeter!

‘A perfect little loop of a play about the morals of wanting in a decaying world. Funny, insightful and kind, Rough Trade sings in its exploration of communities and connection.’ – Showing Attendee

7th [9:30pm], 8th [6pm], 9th [8pm] 10th [9:30pm]
Seymour Centre – Reginald Theatre

15th [6:30pm] & 16th [8:30pm] September
Riverside Theatres – Lennox Theatre


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